Good post. As Newton's third law states: "For every action in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction". There is nothing particularly 'natural' about the perversion of the world at the hands of the globalists, but you're absolutely right about the connection with enantiodromia and how things will turn out at some point in the future. The main thing to remember, I think, is that whilst Jung rightly spoke of the formation of unconscious processes, what we are witnessing today is an attempt to create wholly artificial conditions. They create the problems and then engineer the 'solutions'. Nature, given half a chance, no doubt has its own plans for these meddlers and that's when enantiodromia will really begin to kick in. As I always say to people, if you stand with nature then you are on the winning side.

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Thank you for the comment. And, as you say, today we see a lot of manipulation and Hegelian dialectic. But sooner or later nature will prevail

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